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To ensure balanced, absorbable and meaningful learning, RHA use two complementary curricula; the core and the extra curriculum.

Our core curriculum is called The Abeka Book Curriculum. This is an internationally recognized, Christian based curriculum which incorporates teaching with fun activities that build the child’s interest to learn. We have proven that the use of the spiral learning approach set by this curriculum helps the student retain and apply the knowledge they have learnt in class. The approach helps a learner to build their knowledge in problem solving, from simple to complex, based on a concept that is introduced early in their learning journey.

The Abeka Book Curriculum is complemented by local syllabi for History, Geography and Information Technology. This helps us teach the student in context of our country.
Our extra curriculum consists of Physical Education, clubs, and special events. The Physical Education involves lessons in swimming, golf, tennis, football, netball and basketball. Clubs such as Arts, Drama, Cursive, Dance, French, Wildlife, Ballet, Chess and Home Economics are all available to students. We also host special events such as end of year class parties, teacher appreciation day and Christmas concerts each academic year.


Our kindergarten consists of 4 classes; K2, K3, K4, and K5. These classes have children aged two, three, four, and five respectively.

These classes are designed to take the child through a step-by-step introduction to the basics they need to succeed in their primary school training. From K2 to K5, the students are introduced to concepts of Science, Numeracy and Language arts. Other disciplines such as social studies, Health Science, Physical education, Creative Arts and Songs are also made available for the students in these classes.

Our Kindergarten ensures character development by teaching children how to be responsible, respectful, careful, caring and healthy. Activities such as Show and Tell, Poetry and Scripture recital, help the students develop confidence and public speaking skills among other traits.

We also ensure that each child has achieved all their developmental milestones by the time they graduate to Primary school. Teaching a whole child involves making sure that the cognitive, social, emotional, and motor milestones are reached. Understanding that not all this can be achieved at a set age in different children, Umoyo Rehabilitation Centre assists us in ensuring that identified students are assisted as early as possible.

Primary School

Our primary school consists of six classes; grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. These classes train students in Language Arts, Arithmetic, history, science, health science and Creative arts. This builds upon the foundation set in our kindergarten and ensures a smooth transition as the students progress with their studies. Besides these disciplines, our primary also offers Physical education and Clubs as part of our extra curriculum


Here at the royal heritage Academy, we have excellent facilities that support both our core and extra curricula. We have an Audio-Visual lab which consists of a set of computers, a presentation screen, and a monitor. We also have a mini-golf course, a swimming pool, a football pitch, tennis, volleyball, and netball courts.